Japanese culture

10 most popular movies in Japanese

Japan is famous for anime movies or world famous manga series. Because of that, there are many Japanese manga movies in popular Japanese movies. Let’s see the 10 most popular movies in Japanese cinema with Learn Japanese online. This list is based on announced offical revenue of these films.

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 1 :

千と千尋の神隠し Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (せんとちひろのかみかくし) – Spirited Away

千と千尋の神隠し Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi 10 most popular movies in Japanese

View : 23.5 million views. Revenue : 30.8 billion Yen

Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) is a Japanese animation film produced by Studio Ghibliwas released in 2001. Its content is about Ogino Chihiro, a 10-year-old girl, trapped in the world of spirits after her parents are turned into pigs on their way to a new home. She was forced to do a job at Yubaba’s public bath to find a way to free her parents and herself and return to the human world.

Although released since 2001, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi still ranks top 10 most popular Japanese movies to date 2019.

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 2 :

10 most popular movies in Japanese number

君の名は. Revenue : 25.03 billion Yen.

君の名は。(Your name) is a Japanese animation of romantic and fantasy movie. It was directed by Shinkai Makoto, adapted from his novel of the same name. The film is about Mitsuha – a high school girl who is bored with the boring life in the countryside – and Taki – a Tokyo boy. For some reason they were exchanged bodies with each other while the millennium comet was approaching.

After being released, Your Name has been critically praised by critics for its story and image. It along with director Makoto and band Radwimps, have won numerous nominations and awards in Japan and around the world, including the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for best animation and award. Best Academy Award 2016 of the Japanese Academy. (re: wiki)

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 3 :

ハウルの動く城 (Howl’s moving castle). Revenue : 19.6 billion Yen

ハウルの動く城 (Howl’s moving castle) is a Japanese animation film released in 2004, written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli, based on a novel of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones.

The 18-year-old Sophie hat maker suffered from the old witch’s curse and turned into a 90-year-old woman with white hair. At first Sophie shuddered by this change. However, she gradually accepted this as a way to free herself from worry, fear and embarrassment. This curse was also a lucky chance for her to begin her adventure.

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 4 :

もののけ姫, もののけひめ. View : 14.2 million views. Revenue: 19.6 billion yen.

もののけ姫 (もののけひめ Mononoke Hime : Princess Mononoke) is one of the outstanding anime of Miyazaki Hayao produced by Ghibli in 1997. “Mononoke” is a common word in Japanese which means that the devil causes illness, harm … people, here can be understood as “resentful soul”.

Suffering a curse after shooting the evil god Tarari, Prince Ashitaka left the village to investigate the cause of the evil god, as well as to solve the curse. Ashitaka came to the West area, knew Mrs. Eboshi, who always harbored the intention to occupy the entire forest of the Western region. He also encountered Princess Mononoke – adopted child of Moro White Wolf god.

So Ashitaka accidentally got caught up in the life-and-death battle of these two women, or rather, the war between the jungle spirits and humans. But with a sincere, compassionate and trustworthy heart, he gradually calmed the resentment of the people of Mononoke Hime, and also made Eboshi somewhat awakened to mistakes and understand that the forest and humans can live peacefully with each other.

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 5 :

踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE 2 レインボーブリッジを封鎖せよ (おどるだいそうさせん ザ ムービー ツー レインボーブリッジをふうさせよ)

View : 12,60 views. Revenue : 19.3 billion Yen

レインボーブリッジを封鎖せよ (Block the Rainbow Bridge) is one of the famous criminal investigation series in the series 踊る大捜査線

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 6 :

崖の上のポニョ(がけのうえのポニョ). View : 12,87 views. Revenue : 15.5 billion Yen.

崖の上のポニョ(がけのうえのポニョ, Ponyo on the cliff) . The mermaid Ponyo is the daughter of the Sea King. She escaped from the house, the boy Sousuke picked it up and brought it back to her when she was trapped in a bottle. The king of the sea knew that his child had fled outside, and immediately found her way back. By the time his father was absent, Ponyo asked her sisters to help escaping to find Sousuke and gradually became a person.

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 7 :

風立ちぬ (kaze tachinu). Revenue : 12.02 billion Yen.

風立ちぬ (kaze tachinu : Windless) is a historical cartoon with script and director made by Hayao Miyazaki, released in 2013. The film is based on the manga of the same name by Hori Tatsuo, a writer, poet and translator living in the mid-20th century (Showa period) of Japan.

Kaze Tachinu’s main character is Jirō, with a strong interest in the air and dreams of flying an airplane to conquer the sky. However, he was severely short-sighted and could not become a pilot. Overcoming the great seismic destruction of Tokyo city in 1923, the difficulties in the life of an engineering student after the country’s disaster, Jiro became an engineer to design fighters and found a half of my heart – Naoko, a small girl, weak, but always beautiful, love life.

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 8 :

南極物語(なんきょくものがたり : Antarctic story). View : 8 million views. Revenue: 11 billion Yen.

The film told the story of the survival of eight of the 15 dogs left by the expedition and left on the south pole for 11 months, until the owner returned.

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 9 :

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 9 :

踊る大捜査線_THE_MOVIE おどるだいそうさせん ザ・ムービー. Revenue: 1998 10.1 billion Yen

It is extra story of the famous criminal investigation series in the series 踊る大捜査線

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 10 :

10 most popular movies in Japanese number 10 :

子猫物語 (こねこものがたり : Kitten story) was released in 1986. Revenue: 9.8 billion Yen.

This is a funny adventure story of two animals: Chatran (a tabby cat) and the dog Otis (like pug). The film was adapted based on the work of the same name by Shigeru Tsuyuki.

The story began in 1986 in a Japanese farm. Curious chatran cat made friend with Otis. When Chatran played on a floating box on the river, he was swept downstream. Otis ran after, and the adventure story began.

These are the 10 most popular movies in Japanese cinema, released in Japan and abroad. See more other similar articles in category : Japanese culture

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