learn to read Japanese newspaper

Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Politics

Reading Japanese newspaper is a good methods to improve Japanese language proficiency for learners. This method has some benefits such as: increase your vocabulary, improving your expression skills, your reading skills. Besides, reading Japanese newspaper can help you broaden your knowledge. In this post, let’s Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Politics with Learn Japanese daily!


Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Politics

In order to read Japanese articles on topic: Politics, you can go to Japanese online newspapers such as: Asahi Shimbun Digital, Yahoo! ニュース, TBS News, Yomiuri Shimbun v…v… and select categories 政治(Seiji – Politics).

Political topic articles are varied both in form and content. In order to read and understand, at least you must have Japanese level of N3 or higher (some articles with complicated content will require a higher level). We advise you to choose brief news or easy to understand news titles to practice reading before increasing the level of the news.

Practice reading Japanese newspapers is the same as practice reading others. You can apply the same method used when practice reading to practice reading Japanese newspapers.

First of all, you should skim the article to get the main idea, you can ignore sentences which are confusing or hard to understand. This will help you confirm how much of the full-text content you can understand without using the learning tools (dictionary, translation application, etc.). More importantly, each article will have a central theme and content will revolve around that theme. So getting into the details right away is not necessary, sometimes it has the opposite effect, making it hard for you to get the message that the article wants to convey. Skimming the article will help you get the main keyword. This is an extremely important factor!

For example, an article with the keyword 選挙 (Senkyou – Election) will have content revolving around election, candidacy, selection, political parties, etc. When skimming the article and getting the keyword, you can easily judge and capture the content. On the contrary, focusing on reading and understanding each sentence at the beginning is easy to confuse you.

After skimming the article, you should find and note down the unknown words and unknown sentences. This is the time to go into details to clarify the meaning of each sentence. If looking up the dictionary cannot help you understand the meaning of the sentence, just skip it. Maybe this is grammar structure that you haven’t learned yet.  You should take notes of it and shouldn’t leapfrog.

In addition, if you want to practice reading Japanese newspapers on Politics, do not forget to add vocabulary and common sentence about this topic!

Vocabulary on Politics in Japanese newspapers

首脳会談 (Shunou kaidan): Leadership conference, summit meeting

安倍晋三首相 (Abe Shinzou shushou): Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

北朝鮮 (Kitachousen): North Korea

金正恩委員長 (Kimu Jonun iinchou): Committee chairman Kim Jong-un

トランプ氏 (Toranpushi): Mr. Trump

トランプ米大統領 (Toranpu beidaitouryou): US President Trump

習近平国家主席 (Shii Chin Pin kokka shuseki): President Xi Jinping

国会議員 (Kokkai giin): Member of National Diet

発言 (Hatsugen): Statement, speech

米中貿易摩擦 (Beichuu boueki masatsu): The US-China commercial conflict

米中貿易戦争 (Beichuu boueki sensou): The US-China trade war

党総裁 (Tou sousai): Party leader

野党 (Yatou): Opposition party

民主党政権 (Minshutou): Democratic administration

自民党 (Jimintou): Liberal Democratic Party

公明党 (Koumeitou): Komeito Party, Clean Government Party

社会民主党 (Shakaiminshutou): Social Democratic People’s Party

日本共産党 (Nihonkyousantou): Japanese Communist Party

政権 (Seiken): Administration

会合 (Kaigo): Meeting

話し合う (Hanashiau): To discuss

会談する (Kaidansuru): Conference

懸案事項の解決 (Kenanjiko no kaiketsu): Resolving issues

公認候補 (Kounin kouho): Official candidate

改選 (Kaisen): Re-election

選挙戦 (Senkyousen): Election campaign

参院選 (Saninsen): House of Councillors election, upper house election

Some Grammar structures found in category Politics in Japanese newspapers

Sentence 1

~でしょう。 (~ deshou) : I think; it seems; probably; right?


Toranpu ga daitouryou ni natte wa nani ga okoru ka wakaranai kigu wa arimasu ga, hanmen atarashii nanika ga okorisouna yokan mo aru deshou.

There is concern that it is difficult to know when Trump becomes president what will happen but on the other hand. Perhaps there is also a feeling about something new which is about to occur.

Sentence 2

Passive Form

V group 1: (u-verb) う → あ + れる

V group 2: (ru-verb) る→ られる

V group 3: する → される and 来る → 来られる


Senshuu nigatsu 27 – 28 nichi ni Hanoi de dainikai beichou shunou kaidan ga okonawaremashita.

The second US-North Korea Summit meeting took place in Hanoi on February 27 and 28.

Sentence 3

~際、… (~ sai) : At the time of; in the case of


Abe Shinzou shushou wa kongetsu gejun no houbei no sai mo toranpushi to gorufu wo okonau keikaku.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also plans to play golf with Mr. Trump during his visit to the United States later this month.

Sentence 4

(N / Aな) + となる: the event becomes/ is turned into a mentioned state


Kokusai kaigi wo nozoita Amerika daitouryou no 3 paku 4 nichi ijou no taizai wa 1992 nen no Busshu (chichi) shi irai to naru.

Except for the International Conference, the US President’s stay lasting more than 3 nights and 4 days has been since Mr. Bush (Father) in 1992.

Sentence 5

(Vる / N) + とともに: with something, with somebody


Rainichichuu no toranpu Amerika daitouryou wa 26 nichi gozen, Chibakennai no gorufuba de, Abe shushou to tomoni kyoutsuu no shumi no gorufu wo tanoshinda.

During a visit to Japan, on the morning of the 26th, The US President Trump and Prime Minister Abe enjoyed their same hobby of playing golf together at a golf course in Chiba Prefecture.

Practice reading Japanese newspaper on Politics

Let’s practice reading news on Politics on Yomiuri Shimbun!



Toranpushi, Abe shushou to gorufu… Aoki Isao shi mo sanka

Mr. Trump and Prime Minister Abe play golf together … Mr. Aoki Isao also joins



Rainichichuu no toranpu Amerika daitouryou wa 26 nichi gozen, Chibakennai no gorufuba de, Abe shushou to tomoni kyoutsuu no shumi no gorufu wo tanoshinda.

During a visit to Japan, on the morning of the 26th, The US President Trump and Prime Minister Abe enjoyed their general hobby of playing golf together at a golf course in Chiba Prefecture.


Gorufu ni wa purogorufaa no aoki isao shi mo sanka shita.

Aoki Isao – a professional golf player also joined.


Toranpushi wa, douyuu wa tonai de oozumou natsubasho no senshuuraku wo shushou to issho ni kansen.

That same evening, Mr. Trump watched the grand sumo tournament with the Prime Minister in Tokyo.


Yoru ni wa Merania fujin, Akie fujin mo kuwawatte, tonai no robata yakiten de yuushoku wo tomoni suru yotei.

Lady Melania and Lady Akie also attended and planned to have dinner together at a grill restaurant in the inner city.

Above is the content of the article: Learn to read Japanese newspaper on Politics. If the habit of reading Japanese newspapers is maintained for a long time, surely your Japanese language proficiency will be enhanced. Wish you all the best for your study!

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